In 2013, after losing complete faith that the Courts would ever grant him the justice he had been seeking for over two decades, Keith LaMar decided it was time to take his story to the Court of Public Opinion. He spent eight painstaking months writing Condemned, an autobiographical account detailing how, in spite of his innocence, he found himself the target of a witch hunt that sent him to death row following the 1993 Lucasville Prison Uprising.
Over the years, many people have asked such questions as:
“How did Keith wind up on death row when records show he was outside on the rec yard while the riot was taking place inside? ...when the State of Ohio conceded he had nothing to do with the planning of the uprising? ...when he was never accused of killing the guard?"
Keith wrote Condemned from solitary confinement on a simple typewriter, a few pages at a time. He then dictated his story every morning via telephone to a friend, who transcribed each and every word. In 253 harrowing pages, Keith recalls in detail the violence he encountered during and in the months that followed the eleven-day uprising.
Condemned speaks beautifully about how the love of friends and family, with the escape of music and books, has helped Keith find his way back to himself, even while being caged for decades now in tremendous darkness. Indeed, the richest form of freedom, he says, can be found in living life authentically, insisting on personal dignity at every step, and by speaking truth to power.
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